About the blog

Readings, reviews, and reflections by an American observer of Australian Indigenous art, culture, politics, anthropology, music, and literature.  If you don’t want to leave comments on the blog, feel free to contact me directly.

5 Responses to About the blog

  1. Hello Will and thank you for your insight, comprehension and articulation of the Exhibition and its broader relationships and connections. Without doubt it has been the most stunning exhibition of Indigenous art I have experienced, especially so for the participation in Canberra of so many of the artists and families.
    Im proud to say my daughter, Monique was one of the non-Indigenous curators on the project and wrote the second introductory essay in the catalogue.
    I wanted to add a comment to your excellent article to highlight the inspiring graciousness, generosity, openness and warmth that characterises the vast majority of the Indigenous characters within the contemporary art movement generally in their attitudes towards and relationships with white Australians.
    My wife and I travel to many communities and locations around the country as part of operating an Aboriginal Art Gallery in Palm Cove, north of Cairns (Pandanus Gallery) — the uncompromised respect and acceptance we have experienced is virtually universal.
    However, the ultimate expression of these qualities would have to be at the Yiwarra Kuju exhibition itself when one of the old ladies (I don’t remember who it was) said, that inspite of all of the horrif things that happened to Aboriginal people and their lives and cultures during the Canning Stock Route program itself, “if it hadn’t been for the Canning Stock Route we would never have been able to meet all together in Canberra like this”.
    That grace, generosity and the absence of judgement and guile are breathtaking.
    These qualities are, I believe evident in the art that we love and select for the gallery in Palm Cove. And it shows just how much we have to learn and how Aboriginal art can help that learning!!
    Thanks for your contributions Will.
    Paul La Fontaine

  2. Pingback: Looking for (Broadband) Love | Aboriginal Art & Culture: an American eye

  3. Hi! Could I possibly have your email so I can ask you some questions for a blog I am writing on rights for aborigines? I’m also doing a blog on Australia for and international communications class at Flagler College and would love to speak with you directly. My email is jacqueline.m.dautel@gmail.com and my blog is rightsforbanjora.wordpress.com

  4. Will says:

    HI jacqueline–just go back to “About the blog” and click where it says “contact me” –will

  5. Jeannine says:

    Could you please tell me when the blog was written. I have just been to Warburton and loved the place

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